AI Tools directory

We've screened thousands of AI tools for your safe use

We only list tools that we believe are safe and genuinely useful for all

Character AI

Create Characters and converse with them using Character AI


Sales automation platform combining lead generation, email verification, and email sending tools to streamline outreach...

It is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based...

Jasper is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses generate stunning blog posts, art, images, and... is a non-profit research group focused on deep learning and artificial intelligence. It was...

A chatbot is a software application that aims to mimic human conversation through text or...

MonkeyLearn makes it simple to clean, label and visualize customer feedback — all in one...

OpenAI-powered book recommendations to help you find your next read. The Ultimate Guide To Building... is the best presentation software for teams. Stay on brand, level up your presentation...

It is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based...

Jasper is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses generate stunning blog posts, art, images, and...

A chatbot is a software application that aims to mimic human conversation through text or...

OpenAI-powered book recommendations to help you find your next read. The Ultimate Guide To Building...

MonkeyLearn makes it simple to clean, label and visualize customer feedback — all in one...

Resume Worded is an AI-driven platform providing free resume review, tailored templates, and job search...

Create Characters and converse with them using Character AI


Resume Worded is an AI-driven platform providing free resume review, tailored templates, and job search...

NightCafe Creator is an AI Art Generator app with multiple methods of AI art generation....

Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative... is the best presentation software for teams. Stay on brand, level up your presentation...

Sales automation platform combining lead generation, email verification, and email sending tools to streamline outreach... is a non-profit research group focused on deep learning and artificial intelligence. It was...